JA Finance Park Virtual introduces students to personal financial planning and career exploration. At the culmination of this teacher-led program, students participate in our online JA Finance Park Virtual simulation to put into practice what they’ve learned by developing and committing to a personal budget in a virtual community.

JA Finance Park Virtual helps students build a foundation upon which they can make intelligent financial decisions that last a lifetime, including decisions related to income, expenses, savings, and credit. The program comprises several teacher-led, in-class lessons and a variety of optional, extension activities. The experience culminates in a hands-on, online budgeting simulation.


Students will:

  • Be introduced to the concept of “adulting,” laying the groundwork for their future.
  • Create a monthly budget based on a randomly assigned life persona.

Students were able to connect the process to the lessons. One example was when they initially saw their credit score, they either groaned or celebrated the number. Very focused on their income versus their savings, and really questioning the necessity of certain purchases. Students are putting needs before wants, like one student choosing a chair over a couch because of NMI.

JA Educator

Eastmark High School


What makes JA programs so impactful for our students? They are taught by volunteer mentors from local businesses in the community. People just like YOU! It takes more than 9,500 volunteer mentors to teach our 170,000+ Arizona students each year.


Invest in today’s students and help them realize the boundless potential for their futures. We can’t do it without you!

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