Jan. 15 – Galveston Elementary
JA Day – GALVESTON ELEMENTARY Utilize JA program materials to lead 5 45-min JA Lessons to a classroom of students…
Jan. 24 – Los Ninos Elementary
JA Day – Los Ninos ELEMENTARY Utilize JA program materials to lead 5 45-min JA Lessons to a classroom of…
Feb. 14 – P.T. Coe Elementary
JA Day – P.T. COE ELEMENTARY Utilize JA program materials to lead 5 45-min JA Lessons to a classroom of…
Feb. 18 – White Elementary
JA Day – WHITE ELEMENTARY Utilize JA program materials to lead 5 45-min JA Lessons to a classroom of students…
Feb. 21 – Irene Lopez Elementary
JA Day – IRENE LOPEZ ELEMENTARY Utilize JA program materials to lead 5 45-min JA Lessons to a classroom of…
Mar. 3 – Edison Elementary
JA Day – EDISON ELEMENTARY Utilize JA program materials to lead 5 45-min JA Lessons to a classroom of students…
JA Biztown
Connecting the dots between what kids learn in school and how it’s applied in the real world isn’t that simple. That’s why we created JA BizTown®, an engaging, hands-on program that introduces 4th, 5th, and 6th graders to economic concepts, workplace skills, and personal and business finances in a student-sized town built just for them.