May 15 – Davis Bilingual Elementary School
JA Day – DAVIS BILINGUAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Utilize JA program materials to lead 5 45-min JA Lessons to a classroom…
JA BizTown Adventures
In this self-guided virtual simulation, students gain an understanding of various aspects of running a business as they take on the roles of CEO, CFO, marketing director, sales manager, and consumer via five online adventures.
JA More than Money
JA More than Money will meet the needs of a diverse group of students by providing engaging, academically enriching, and experiential learning sessions in economic education.
JA Our Nation
JA Our Nation introduces fifth-grade students to the intersection of work readiness and upper elementary grades social studies learning objectives.
JA Our Region
In JA Our Region, students examine regional resources, supply chains, and solve problems by weighing risks and potential rewards. JA Volunteers show how resources are combined to create goods and services that individuals, businesses, and organizations provide to customers.
JA Our City
JA Our City introduces students to the intersection of financial literacy and third-grade social studies learning objectives, including the characteristics of cities and how people and businesses in cities manage their money. JA Our City consists of five 45 minute volunteer led sessions.
JA Money in Motion Lite
JA Money in Motion Lite offers both an on-site event activity and an online interactive activity that allows students to plan for tomorrow by practicing how they will spend their future income.
Career Speaker Series
In JA Career Speaker Series, a volunteer guest speaker visits the classroom and shares information about his or her career, work, and education experience.