- JA BizTown shop with your brand
- Sponsor an entire school of students
- Sponsor one of our premier events with high brand visibility
- Provide in-kind donations or service
Companies & Organizations
When companies use their time, talent, and resources to make an impact on society, we can help solve the difficult, yet critical, challenges facing our community today – like training the next generation of leaders.
You have an opportunity to make an impact that will last for a lifetime. Set an example for your employees by showing corporate commitment to improving our community, while enjoying brand visibility to thousands of AZ families.
We need your help. Join us in this mission to empower the future. We depend on businesses and organizations — just like yours! — to make our programs possible.

Contact Joss Francheterre, our SVP of Major Gifts at jossf@jaaz.org or 480.219.0205.
I enjoyed being able to see a lot of different careers that I didn’t know about before, which exposed me to new options for my future!
JA Student