JA Middle School Lessons Registration
Online Programs Registration
We are happy to provide you with our free engaging and educational online programs that teach students about personal finance, career readiness, and entrepreneurship.
To access these programs, please take a minute to fill out the form below. Then, you will receive an email with a password to access the content. You will have full access to the following programs geared towards middle school students:
- JA Global Marketplace – Provides practical information about the key aspects of the global economy.
- JA It’s My Future – Explores potential careers, job hunting, planning, and provides practical information about preparing for the working world while still in middle school.
- JA Economics for Success – Explores personal finance and students’ education and career options based upon their skills, interests, and values.
In order to track our impact and progress, it’s important that we know how many students we reach. If you are an educator or volunteer who will provide these resources to multiple students, please be sure to share that number with us.
Please feel free to tell your colleagues about these resources! If you have any questions, contact Anne Landers at annel@jaaz.org.